Terms and Conditions
PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE ORDERING FROM THIS SITE. By using the Lottery entry services of International Lottery Subscriptions (ILS) you confirm and agree that:
- You are at least 18 years of age.
- The contact and payment details in your Lottery entry forms are correct, true and complete. We may, at our own discretion, and only when necessary, disclose some of the details submitted to us on this order to third parties, for the purposes of verification and authentication of those details. Please see our privacy policy for more information.
- ILS will purchase your entries as your agent, not as principal. We are not affiliated with, or sponsored by, any official government agency.
- You accept sole responsibility for determining whether your use of our services is legal in the country where you live.
- The price of entry includes the product cost plus a handling fee. Tickets are purchased on your behalf at the face value shown on the tickets. The handling fee in excess of the ticket cost is to cover all the costs of purchasing your tickets, holding your tickets in safekeeping, keeping records of your entries, monitoring draw results, notifying you of prize winnings, and collecting and remitting those winnings. We apply entry fees and/or any prize monies in satisfaction of any existing debt that is owed by you to ILS and any associated businesses or companies prior to remitting the balance to you.
- Once your entry has been received and processed, you will receive an official entry confirmation by email showing your numbers, draw dates and all other details pertinent to your play. After each Draw, you will also receive results and prize notifications. Please be sure to provide a valid email address to ensure receipt of all important notices.
- In the event that you supply insufficient funds to cover the cost of the order, such shortfalls or excess funds, as the case may be, shall be applied to reduced or additional lottery play on your behalf.
- Cancellation Policy - All entry fees and/or payments for lotto entries are non-refundable once entries have been lodged or subscriptions have expired. If you reasonably believe that you have been wrongfully charged for an entry, you may request a refund by contacting us at sales@japanjumbodraw.net or by phone at (+353 1) 513 4158. Please include full transaction details, including the relevant dates, payment details, and a short explanation for the refund request. Refunds may be granted in this instance at the company's discretion.
- ILS is committed to fulfilling your order as requested. However, in the event of failure to lodge your allocated games due to employee or system error by ILS and its agents, you hereby agree to release and forever hold harmless ILS, its related bodies, corporate directors, employees, contractors and agents from all actions, claims and demands to the extent permitted by law. You further agree that any damages shall be limited to the amount received for the order.
- ILS cannot be held responsible for the re-scheduling or closure of any promoted lottery draw/s. Refunds may be provided for unused entries which have not yet been lodged in the lottery specified. Prize wins are forfeited when an order has been cancelled.
This Agreement is effective immediately upon submission of your entry, and will continue until ILS receives written notice from you to terminate your lottery enrollment or the last date for which lottery entries are to be purchased on your behalf, as indicated in your Official Entry Confirmation .

Next Draw:
The Japan Jumbo Draw is the largest and highest paying amongst all Japanese Takara-kuji ("treasure" or "fortune") Lotteries. In fact, with the exception of the Spanish El Gordo Draw, it's the biggest Lottery Draw in the world.
And it's a Draw very few people outside Japan ever have the chance to win.
Tickets in Japan's Jumbo Draws are sold exclusively by the Mizuho Bank for a limited time period before each draw. And because the Draws are so popular, Ticket sales stop as soon as all Tickets are sold… often before the announced sales period is over. This naturally leaves little opportunity for foreign players to take part. In fact, until 2003, entry into the Japanese Jumbo Lottery Draw has never before been offered to players living overseas.